Smyadovo, Bulgaria... in western Europe? Then Kamtchatka must be eastern Europe!
Wow, that's quite a list! I'm impressed. ATP3... "R1 low coverage". All downstream snps "dubious"
You forgot the Villabruna sample, 12000 years old, no doubt the forefather of all those steppe-free samples that...
It may happen indeed, but not only because of the forces you mention, which will undermine our culture from the outside. No, it will happen because we are repeating the same mistakes Rome made. Giving up our old virtues, giving lazy masses "panem and circenses" for free (welfare money and...
I really can't think why "national consciousness" should be set against genetic "ethnicity". The sense one has of belonging to a national community, with all the historic and cultural package it involves, is one thing. Trying to sort out the genetic nuances that distinguish each region, area, or...
The real question is: when we let people in, what signal do we send to the numberless millions of others waiting beyond the border? How long can we let it all go on, and hope to cope? France receives 250,000 migrants each year (legal and illegal combined), i.e the equivalent of cities like...
The SNP tracker ( proposes the following mutation stages for H1b:
H > H1 > H-T16189C! > H1b
For H1bm, the sequence given is :
H > H1 > H1bm (the H-T16189C! > H1b segment expected in between H1 and H1bm is not there)
I always thought that H1bm...
Predictable, for sure, but still, interesting.
Just one question, though : what the heck do they mean by "exterminator"? Is that a profession? Some sort of duly registered hitman? My English fails me there!
Most of the prestige artefacts found in those 6th-century BC graves were presents given by traveler-traders to local lords. Those gifts were a way for merchants to get permission to convey goods across the area. The most impressive and precious artefacts found had been made either in Etruscan...
I'm sure you know about it, but just in case... have you tried this : ?
You could submit your mum's and dad's results and see where they end up. As you say, no calculator is "the last word", but changing angles sometimes helps you...
@ Carlos @ Duarte
Does either of you guys have any idea what the heck can connect us westerners to that Illyrian sample that keeps popping up among our "ancestors" ? Gallo-Roman makes sense. Even the Szolad samples can be explained as mercenary expatriates. But Illyrian ? Was the Illyrian also...
It's bed-time here, so too late for me to do it now, but it could be fun to gedmatch it (kit: LN6607043) with Eurogenes K15 and then put it on this map :
I'll give it a try... tomorrow.
SZ45 "Pannonia"
Edit : Here it is.
On identity : "The tree becomes strong in the wind" (Seneca : Non est arbor solida nec fortis nisi quam frequens ventus incursat)
The tree is all the stronger as its roots run deep. Geography is destiny, but history is identity. Now what is "identiy"? Gnothi seauton - know thyself - , is the...
Everyone who visits this forum, let alone contributes to it, is bound to have "identity issues" somehow. And this includes you.
We all need, and cherish, our own private legends and intimate myths. It doesn't imply we should visit a psychoanalyst. And it certainly is nobody else's business...
Yes, the Treasure Tombs (Hochdorf, Vix, Lavau...) are dated roughly 550 - 500 BC, late Halstatt.
La Tène is the Gaulish Age par excellence. If you consider it pre-Gaulish, then there is no time window for Gauls proper to really exist: you jump straight from pre-Gaulish La Tène to the...
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