Recent content by Yagi

  1. Y

    Medical conditions associated with Y-chromosome haplogroups

    No problem with the AIDS just use rubber or stick to one girl =P
  2. Y


    nice to hear.... =)
  3. Y


    so i have seen, im new to this so i am trying to understand the tests and all the info that is out there.....
  4. Y


    Any info on this one?
  5. Y

    Mesolithic/Neolithic Greek DNA

    hahaha i like to see those facts especially when the "new" greece is inhabited by armenians arvanits "slavic" tribes christian turks from georgia and so on...... the germans really put you on and braindwashed the whole new nation greece and i guess youre gonna say that the greek royal family is...
  6. Y

    Mesolithic/Neolithic Greek DNA

    i have to inform you that there is no such thing as greek genes because greece is a modern country from the 1800 something and in ancient times there was only city states and no greece the name greece at that time was invented by the romans who called all of the people who lived on the balkans...
  7. Y

    why were I2a people exterminated in Italy and not in the Balkans ?

    to many spekulations about the slavic people and the language. i don´t understand why everybody tries to link "modern" countrys like serbia and croatia to slavic or slavs or if they ever exicisted and who says that somebody had to come from the other side maybe the slavs are the I2a and never...
  8. Y


    I need to have ny username changed, it got wrong when i wrote, it should have been Yagi not Yaig it was an typed error didnt notice untill it was registerd. Please change to Yagi and if that is occupied change to StaraKoza Best regards Yagi