Recent content by Melkor

  1. M

    Official: Bin Laden Capture Close

    I think whatever's going to happen to him already did. If he's going to escape and the US give up the search, I think they already gave up. If he's going to be killed, I think he's already been killed. The other option is that he's been captured. I don't think it's all that unbelievable that...
  2. M

    Pup Shoots man

    There should be more dogs smart enough to do that.
  3. M

    Mushroom cloud over N. Korea

    It could be both. America did develop small nuclear explosives for purposes of performing large excavations. Maybe that's what North Korea's doing now. I doubt that for some reason though.
  4. M

    MS goes to Jail

    I never even heard of her until everyone started saying what a lousy person she was.
  5. M

    SpaceShipOne Wins $10 Million Ansari X Prize

    Well bossel, you could always go the route of cryogenic freezing and hope you survive the initial freezing. Then you just wait until someone figures out how to thaw a frozen person without kill them. By that time, space travel shouldn't be too much trouble. Besides, think of the interest your...
  6. M

    Do you prefer Asian or non-Asian women?

    I think it depends more on the individual rather than the ethnicity. I've known great asian women and lousy asian women, great western women and lousy western women.
  7. M

    The Opinion Game

    Take the JR trains. Coffee or hot chocolate in the morning?
  8. M

    Abortion: Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    I think abortion should be fully acceptable if decided on within a week or so of the woman finding out that she is pregnant. That would be quite early in the pregnancy, and definitely not late enough that the fetus could be considered an independent person.
  9. M

    Question Would you chop your hand off if...

    Questions like these are really hard to answer. I said that I'd cut my hand off, but in reality, I have no idea what I'd do.
  10. M

    Debate What is the ideal education system ?

    I've only had the western style of education. Even though there can be tremendous pressure to succeed for some students, there are still many students who couldn't care less about their grades and whether or not they even learn.
  11. M

    Pentagon Strike

    I found this to be an excellent page. After reading that, I'm off to check various facts from other sources. One thing being those pictures of the Pentagon. If the pictures there are real, then there's no way an airliner crashed into it. Anyone who's seen a plane crash would know they're far...
  12. M

    Over 230,000 US troops stationed in 130 countries around the world

    I was about to point out Japan's defense force, but you already did mikecash. As for Duo's comment about Europe working together to form one entity, with the different countries vaguely similar to the US's states, I've always thought that was a logical action. After all, Europe is roughly the...
  13. M

    Have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11 and what do you think of it ?

    This Farenhype movie sounds like one worth seeing. I'll have to look for it next time I go to the movie rental place.
  14. M

    Republicans file suit for encouraging people to vote

    I must say I could barely stand watching his movies, but I never thought he might have been breaking the law with them. Especially surprising because of the topics he included in the movie.
  15. M

    What would you do if you were drafted?

    I would volunteer so I could get into a position away from the combat.