Recent content by MagnusFarseeR

  1. M

    Which DNA Calculator Was Used On Ancient Italian Etruscan/Latins? The components are divided between EEF, WHG and Steppe, I know I can find some similar calculators on GEDMatch but does anyone know the exact one they used for this study?
  2. M

    Politics What are the criteria defining a country ?

    Dominant Ethnic group and/or Shared Culture.
  3. M

    Slavs first wrote with Runes?

    I thought the first Runes were by Vikings.
  4. M

    Films & Series Fall of Civilizations

    My Y-DNA haplogroup might belong to one of the Greek sea peoples originally.
  5. M

    The Picts

    Some Picts were conquered by the Gaelic migrators from Ireland who created the Dál Riata kingdom.
  6. M

    The Battle for Greece: Salamis 480 B.C.

    They should have showed more footage from that Rome 2 Total War game.
  7. M

    How many villages / settlements did the Vikings establish in North America

    Yes there was only one and they likely had inter actions and conflicts with the indigenous natives.