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      lacreme replied to the thread mtDNA of all Forum Users.
      You can add me too. I'm a Greek and I'm H13a2b3a. No idea how common is H13 in general in my country though.
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      lacreme reacted to Omino's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      I'm actually an Aetolian greek,not a Macedonian one my dear Slavic neighbor. You can anytime take your pseudohistoric nonsense and go...
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      lacreme reacted to Omino's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      He's propably a fakedonian slav with the typical nationalistic complex,just ignore his nonsensical delerium until mods take care of him.
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      lacreme reacted to Vitruvius's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      I'll take that as an admission of being unable to refute my post. There are several Sicilians on this board who are very proud to be...
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      lacreme reacted to Omino's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      "Greek history ended at Chaeronea." 😅 Hellenistic period also says hi to your nonsensical delerium. As I wrote again this is a...
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      lacreme reacted to Omino's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      Pella curse tablets say hi It's so hilarious to talk about delusions. Keep your nationalistic delerium out,this is a scientific forum
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      lacreme reacted to Dianatomia's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      There is a key difference between Macedonians and Greeks in the Classical era. The Macedonians resembled the Late Bronze Age Greeks...
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      lacreme reacted to ProtosP's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      I typically prefer to read rather than post, but when I come across fallacies like yours, it’s hard not to respond. I’m not going to...
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      lacreme reacted to Vitruvius's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      Good, then we can agree that Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Diogenes, Pythagoras, Archimedes and Hippocrates were all in fact Greeks and...
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      lacreme reacted to Omino's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      My dear Mycenaeans were not even genetically the same with later classical Greeks from the same area,that doesn't make the later less or...
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      lacreme reacted to Omino's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      If you actually listened to historians,you wouldn't spread pseudohistorical nonsense my dear
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      lacreme reacted to Vitruvius's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      Anyone with even the slightest exposure to the topic of classical antiquity is well aware that not only did Hellas/Greece exist in the...
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      lacreme reacted to Dianatomia's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      You somewhat misrepresent the facts. There was no Greece, as in Greek nation state. So one can’t conquer Greece in that sense. In this...
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