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  1. matadworf

    Classify this picture of my first gen Greek mom in her early teens

    She's a first generation Greek who's parents came from Arcadia and Messinia, Peloponnese. Interested in her phenotype and where she would best fit in. I'm guessng South Ballkans.
  2. matadworf

    Comparing modern Greek/Balkan populations to Classical/Hellenistic sample from Macedonia. Listen around 47:40 as Kristiansen talk about upcoming paper on Bronze Age Med.
  3. matadworf

    Comparing modern Greek/Balkan populations to Classical/Hellenistic sample from Macedonia.

    I agree. It's funny you mention that but I remember noticing during my trips to my grandfather's (;paternal) mountain village in Messinia many of the women "looked" Slavic and the men much less so.
  4. matadworf

    Comparing modern Greek/Balkan populations to Classical/Hellenistic sample from Macedonia.

    Arvanites are typically Southern Albanian Tosk's right? So they wouldn't necessarily be carrying any additional Slavic admixture. I guess the further North you go the more Slavic you'd find. I'm kind of thinking that there was a total absorption of the Slavic population that may have raised the...
  5. matadworf

    Comparing modern Greek/Balkan populations to Classical/Hellenistic sample from Macedonia.

    I did not include the Macedonia outlier sample which is definitely more Northern shifted...
  6. matadworf

    Comparing modern Greek/Balkan populations to Classical/Hellenistic sample from Macedonia.

    Ok I can see the mercenary connection. But these samples are pretty random and isolated.
  7. matadworf

    Comparing modern Greek/Balkan populations to Classical/Hellenistic sample from Macedonia.

    The Eastern African related migration makes no sense at all.Who were these migrants and why would they move to mainland rural areas of the Balkans. A migration to a cosmopolitan center like Athens, Salonika or Constantinople I could see but in the middle of rural areas that was totally...
  8. matadworf

    Comparing modern Greek/Balkan populations to Classical/Hellenistic sample from Macedonia.

    I'm not sure of the relevance of this sample to a discussion of comparing this Macedonian sample to modern South Balkaners. Remember this is merely a comparison to suggest other reasons for autosmal proximity to ancient Macedonians other than 7th c. Slavic admixture. I'm under the impression...
  9. matadworf

    Comparing modern Greek/Balkan populations to Classical/Hellenistic sample from Macedonia.

    Yes but this this is referring to the West Asian input from Anatolia during the Bronze Age. I've never disagreed with this. That's why you see the Iran Neolithic and/or Levantine input (came with later Anatolian migrations who's autosmal makeup was different than original farmers) in Southern...
  10. matadworf

    G25 G25 Modern (Over 10,000 Individuals)

    G25 is so accurate for me as someone of 75% Messinian/25% Arcadian Peloponnesian descent; Distance to: Anthony_C_scaled 0.01900541 Greek_Messenia:MES-10 0.01940477 Greek_Corinthia:KOR-62 0.01968988 Greek_Laconia:LA-5 0.02101718 Greek_East_Taygetos:LA-6 0.02224942 Greek_Messenia:MES-4...
  11. matadworf

    Comparing modern Greek/Balkan populations to Classical/Hellenistic sample from Macedonia.

    I still don't really see evidence of West Asian migration/admixture in mainland Greece during Roman times. Can you cite specific migrations; when and where? If you try to model mainland Greeks with this Roman Imperial Anatolian admixture you have to use disparate non historical populations to...
  12. matadworf

    Comparing modern Greek/Balkan populations to Classical/Hellenistic sample from Macedonia. Sample coordinates...
  13. matadworf

    Comparing modern Greek/Balkan populations to Classical/Hellenistic sample from Macedonia.

    Not sure if this on topic G25 Data Base Here are the coordinates for one of the samples...
  14. matadworf

    Question What did Paleo Balkan people look like?

    First of all when you First of all you absolutely cannot compare modern phenotypes to Bronze Age, Iron Age or Classical era populations. But this photo is representative of a "soft' modern phenotype and there has been a "lightening" of pigmentation throughout Europe from antiquity on. I would...
  15. matadworf

    Comparing modern Greek/Balkan populations to Classical/Hellenistic sample from Macedonia.

    Why is that we assume that all modern mainland Greeks or Balkan people with 1/3 Steppe have Slavic admixture. Ok I realize the Stamtayanolopoulos paper mentioned that there was minor IDB sharing with Slavic populations but what if there is continuity in all of modern Greece with Northern Greek...
  16. matadworf

    G25 G25 Bronze Age Calculator (By Davide Von Gauss)

    Distance to: Anthony_C_scaled 0.02913092 GRC_Logkas_MBA:__BC__2300__k2 0.03869694 Dalmatic_BA:MNE_LBA:__BC__1350_1100__k10 0.04312132 HRV_Pop_CA_try_removing:POP39___BC_2680___Coverage_85.33% 0.04395184 Dalmatic_BA:HRV_Cetina_BA:__BC__1800__k6 0.04462523...
  17. matadworf

    G25 G25 Bronze Age Calculator (By Davide Von Gauss)

    Target: Anthony_C_scaled Distance: 1.8862% / 0.01886250 | R3P 48.2 GRC_Logkas_MBA:__BC__2300__k2 32.4 Aegean_BA:Cycladic_EBA:GRC_Koufonisi_Cycladic_EBA:__BC__2300__k2 12.0 Baltic_BA:__BC__1200_500__k15 7.4 Aegean_BA:TUR_Aegean_Izmir_Yassitepe_EBA:k2
  18. matadworf

    Comparing modern Greek/Balkan populations to Classical/Hellenistic sample from Macedonia.

    Here's a comparison of various Balkan/Greek groups to Classical/Hellenistic sample from Macedonia. The results are interesting and gives a sense of how modern mainland Greek's genetic profile has shifted Northeast from the Hellenestic period on; Target: Macedonia_Classical_Hellenistic...
  19. matadworf

    Post your distances to Ancient Balkan Samples

    Distance to: Anthony_C_scaled 0.02643340 Epirus 0.02770238 Illyricum_Dalmatia 0.03118023 MKD_Anc:I10391 0.03207008 Moesia_Dardania:Serbia_Viminacium_J2b2_L283 0.03208134 Illyricum_Histria 0.03328139 MKD_BA:I7231 0.03329729 MKD_Anc:I10388 0.03407186 MKD_Anc:I10390...
  20. matadworf

    G25 G25 imperial Greek shift in Greeks and Italians + a comparison with qpAdm

    Your first statement is super far-fetched. Am I reading you right? Mainland Greeks from the Classical through Hellenstic period were "Calabrian like" in the North (Northern Greece) to Aegean like in the South? That's putting a hell of a lot impetus on the Slavic settlements of the 7th c. You're...