What's your favourite Romance Language?

What's your favourite Romance Language?

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I started learning Spanish 1 year ago. As for me, Spanish is the most melodious and melodic language in the world
I like Italian, maybe because our coast (Dalmatia) is influnced by italian language.
Spanish is my favourite Romance Language. I like the way it sounds and the way it is structured. It is also a very widely spoken language, which makes it convenient for travelling and communicating with people from different countries. Additionally, Spanish has a rich culture and history, and learning the language can help you to understand these things better. Overall, I enjoy learning Spanish and find it to be a rewarding experience
Resurrecting this old thread. Out of all Romance languages I'd probably go for French and Latin. Portuguese sounds too slavic. Spanish is alright and Italian's probably the closest thing we have to Latin (when compared to other living Romance languages), but French still sounds better.
Portuguese by far, the language 80% + of my ancestors have been speaking since its beggining. Spanish sounds weird to my lusophone ears (maybe precisely because of similarity) but i studied it , it is a very important widespread language after all, and the sevillan accent is the best. French is very overrated and linked with a chique mystique wich repel me away from it, plus basically only France and their war torn colonies speak it so why bother learning it. Romanian is very cool too i was surprised when i first heard it by how much i could underatand, maybe even more then french.
According to regions, 'official national' French can sound a bit different. According to social classes too, even when they try to speak a standard and half high level language.
Today the big towns French, a levelling made with help of the media, is "colorless" to me.
Before, in the standard and Oil dialects, there was a big difference between two 'a', one very open and forwards, the other very "shut" and backwards, sometimes with kind of a 'o' taste.
I love the French language. I studied it in school but didn't pursue my studies later which I deeply regret. If you present me a text in French, I can understand much of it, perhaps even most, but I wouldn't stand a chance during a conversation in France. Not pursuing the study of French to a point of being fluent is one of my greatest regrets in life.

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