Windows Alert Message about Eupedia?


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It's been a few times, every now and then in a day, when i come on Eupedia i get a Windows Alert Message that Eupedia might be compromized. Do anyone else have it, what could this be?
It's been a few times, every now and then in a day, when i come on Eupedia i get a Windows Alert Message that Eupedia might be compromized. Do anyone else have it, what could this be?

I doubt it's Eupedia. I get them when I go to sites posted by certain members in certain threads.
I doubt it's Eupedia. I get them when I go to sites posted by certain members in certain threads.

I got it again.

" Attention : risque probable de sécurité

Firefox a détecté une menace de sécurité potentielle et n’a pas poursuivi vers Si vous accédez à ce site, des attaquants pourraient dérober des informations comme vos mots de passe, courriels, ou données de carte bancaire.

Que pouvez-vous faire ?

Le problème vient probablement du site web, vous ne pouvez donc pas y remédier. Vous pouvez le signaler aux personnes qui administrent le site.

Wich translate as " Warning: likely risk of safety

Firefox has detected a potential security threat and has not pursued to If you access this site, attackers could steal information such as your passwords, emails, or credit card data.

What can you do ?

The problem probably comes from the website, so you can not fix it. You can report it to the people who administer the site.


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