Why Portuguese Food is Hiding Everywhere


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This video explores the global influence of Portuguese cuisine, highlighting how dishes with Portuguese influence can be found in various countries. The author of the video talks about that influence in places like Japan, Malaysia, India, South Africa, the UK, Brazil, and the United States. He argues that Portuguese cuisine has left a significant culinary footprint on the world even though it is often overlooked in favor of French, Italian, and Spanish cuisine due to their being the more popular ones.

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Balthazar Tavern (Taberna Baltazar). One of the many Portuguese restaurants that exist in my hometown. Rustic, but very well located. Excellent food. The Portuguese dishes that have codfish as the main ingredient are really unique. Twenty years ago my wife and I started a great friendship with a Portuguese woman living in the city of Vitória, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Today this woman and her family, without fear of making mistakes, are the best friends that I, my wife and my son have in Brazil. We are friends who visit themselves and travel together, both inside and outside the country. My wife is a communicative person who easily makes friends, a very typical characteristic of the Italian families of which she is a worthy representative and which contrasts with my usual seriousness inherited from my father's family. Thanks to my wife's sympathy, I was able to meet these wonderful people and build a great friendship. Twenty years ago, in the aforementioned Taberna Baltazar, this friendship have started and everything could have gone wrong thanks to me and my inelegant behavior of ordering a dish just to annoy, on that occasion, those who were my wife's guests and to whom I decided annoy with double meaning phrases based on the name of the dish I had chosen from the menu out of sheer malice, under the distrustful eyes of the restaurant waiters: “Punheta de Bacalhau”. I don't know if you know, but in Brazilian Portuguese "punheta" is a foul word and, associated with a "de bacalhau" the interpretation can get even worse. A fifth-grade teenager would delight in my lame jokes, but certainly not adults. Thank God my wife's guests took everything with sympathy and fun and there was sealed the beginning of a great friendship. By the way, “Punheta de Bacalhau” is a wonderful dish. Life stories….
I love Portuguese food, my wife and I make bacalao in the Portuguese fashion with the eggs.

The croquettes are phenomenal as well.

There's a pretty big Portuguese and Brazilian enclave close to where I level.
I love Portuguese food, my wife and I make bacalao in the Portuguese fashion with the eggs.

The croquettes are phenomenal as well.

There's a pretty big Portuguese and Brazilian enclave close to where I level.

The croquette de bacalhau, better known in the center and south of Portugal as pastel de bacalhau and in the north of Portugal and in Brazil as bolinho de bacalhau, is an indispensable starter in any bar or restaurant in Brazil.


Bacalhau à Gomes de Sá: originating in the city of Porto, it is one of the most beloved cod dishes with boiled egg in Brazil.

What a beautiful story, Duarte. Sometimes the best of friendships are born over a shared meal around a table.
Some of the best moments I've spent with my family and friends were around a table. Food brings people together.

One of my favorite foods is feijoada a Brasileira, it's so good.
I had heard about “Punheta de Bacalhau” but never ate it, it's now on my list of foods to try.

And I love bacalhau and croquettes to, Jovialis.
In Portugal what we call a croquette is made with meat, not cod, the cod ones are called “pastéis de bacalhau”, as Duarte said. I like both.

My favorite dish with bacalhau and eggs is Bacalhau a Brás, it’s wonderful.
I leave you the recipe here, it's easy and quick to do:


I have to say that the food I eat most often is pizza, I love pizza (so Italian cuisine, or American cuisine, some say the modern pizza is an American creation, but I'm not gonna enter this controversy).

But if I had to choose my favorite comfort food it would be “Jardineira”,is a sort of stew that can be made in the traditional way with beef, or chicken, or even squid. It always takes me back to the times when my mother used to prepare this dish for me.

Bacalhau à Brás is fantastic. OMG, I'm really hungry right now, lol.

Rodrigo Hilbert, a well-known Brazilian television presenter that likes to do everything a bit, including in the kitchen, has a cooking show in which he visits the homes of ordinary people who are experts in preparing some typical dish. In the report below, aired on Christmas Eve 2021 and which contains a video, he goes to the host's kitchen to learn how to make the punheta de bacalhau and, at the end, he tastes the recipe and gives his verdict: approved with flying colors (and it couldn't be otherwise, because it's delicious). The name of the recipe comes from the way it is prepared: “usamos os dois punhos para desfiar o bacalhau" (“we use both fists to shred the cod"), as the host says (fist = punho —> punheta). This is one the many typical dish from Portugal, but it has a very special feature that we see commonly in the Japanese or in the Peruvian cuisine (see ceviche): the use of raw fish, that in this specific case, is the cod. The hard part is convincing fifth-grade teens not to be mean:

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I had heard about the dish, but I had never seen the preparation and my mind imagined a different confection (like a fifth-grade teenager would do), more in line with the name. It wasn't quite like that. :)

I got curious about the dish, I'll have to try it.

For those who want to discover Portuguese cuisine, or from any other country, here is a good site:

Indeed, Portuguese cuisine is sophisticated and with unique peculiarities. Its rich history and maritime heritage have contributed to a diverse culinary landscape that combines flavors from land and sea. From the famous bacalhau (salted codfish) dishes to the aromatic spices used in dishes like peri-peri chicken or sweet potato casserole recipe, Portuguese cuisine offers a delightful blend of ingredients and techniques. Additionally, Portugal's regional diversity is reflected in its cuisine, with each area boasting its own specialties, such as the hearty cozido à portuguesa from the mainland and the fresh seafood dishes along the coastal regions. Overall, Portuguese cuisine is a hidden gem waiting to be explored by food enthusiasts worldwide.
I have tried the peri-peri chicken it really delicious. Portuguese cuisine are the foods I really want to try. What are the foods you want to try aside from Portuguese?
Portuguese food looks what I seriously like, I haven't tried it yet but I will for sure in the future.
I love Portuguese food, and ate well when we went to Portugal a few years ago.

I recall a spreadable sausage we had, I think it was Sabrasada. That was fantastic.

There's a few Portuguese food stores near me that we pick stuff up from.
I had no idea about the global reach of Portuguese cuisine—it's like a delicious hidden treasure! It's fascinating to see how its influence has spread far and wide, leaving its mark in unexpected places. And you're so right about the overshadowing by French, Italian, and Spanish cuisines. Let's give Portuguese food the recognition it deserves! Also, can you imagine if they've sprinkled some barley grass powder into these diverse dishes? Talk about a flavorful adventure!
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I and other southern New Englanders know that what is called Hawaiian sweet bread is actually Portuguese sweet bread.
Colonialism kinda helped to spread cuisine though throughout the globe
Portuguese food is widespread globally, with its influence evident in various countries such as Japan, Malaysia, India, South Africa, the UK, Brazil, and the United States. The video discusses the substantial culinary footprint left by Portuguese cuisine on the world stage, emphasizing its prevalence despite often being overshadowed by the popularity of French, Italian, and Spanish cuisines.
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don't know about there food
nicest people in europe ;)
and believe me i travalled

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