Recent content by Malaparte

  1. Malaparte

    Jews remained in Palestine in the 5th century of the common era

    Unz Review continues to publish articles developing the "Carthaginian Theory." See However, an anonymous commenter Fuchs objected to the Carthaginian theory on the grounds that Ashkenazi do not have elevated NW...
  2. Malaparte

    Origin of Red Hair in Jewish Populations?

    My brother'n'law is Ashkenazi and has red hair. It's a definite Jewish type.
  3. Malaparte

    Jews remained in Palestine in the 5th century of the common era

    Excerpt from recent article by Ron Unz:
  4. Malaparte

    Politics Vote for a president of USA. 2024 election.

    I claimed through my paternal grandmother. It's an interminable process.
  5. Malaparte

    Population Facts of Italian-Americans

    Going back to the original chart, the nearly 18,000,000 who identify as American likely have high English admixture.
  6. Malaparte

    Berbers are white and caucasoid people?

    This was Franklin's own eccentric view, and was not shared by his contemporaries. Compare Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778), whose groupings were European white, American reddish, Asian tawny, African black. That said, Franklin's short 1751 paper, "Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind...
  7. Malaparte

    AncestryDNA Ancestry DNA Update

    Palermo, I have ancestry on my mother's side from both Ireland and Yorkshire. The Irish component shows up correctly, and the Yorkshire ancestry gets assigned to Scotland, Norway, Sweden & Denmark. However, my point in the post is that if I score 14% Scottish, my mother should score at least...
  8. Malaparte

    AncestryDNA Ancestry DNA Update

    When I consider the results of close relatives, I cannot take seriously. For example, I inherit all of my Scottish ancestry from my mother. And yet she's supposedly only 1% Scottish, whereas I'm 14%. Similarly, none of my cousins on the Italian side carry the 1% Egyptian or 1%...
  9. Malaparte

    Debate Is Elon Musk the devil?

    He's a peculiar and mysterious figure who undoubtedly has his own agenda. But he's standing up to groups that have long trampled on the rights of ordinary people. So all in all, he's doing God's work. A white knight.
  10. Malaparte

    Crime Riots in France over police shooting

    Although I'm not sure what a peat colony is--something to do with Dutch whiskey? reclaiming the marshes for agriculture?--I will agree with you that the development of tolerance in this setting was a great civilizational achievement. However, it's an achievement only insofar as it is tolerance...
  11. Malaparte

    Crime Riots in France over police shooting

    Morrissey performing "Notre Dame" on July 2 in Israel Notre Dame Notre Dame, we know who tried to kill you Notre Dame, we know who tried to kill you Notre Dame, we will not be silent Notre Dame, we will not be silent Before investigations, they said: This is not terrorism! Notre Dame, we will...
  12. Malaparte

    Crime Riots in France over police shooting

    Leading to massive riots, young Muslims parading the streets with contraband firearms to intimidate the native French, and in one case, chopping off a poor Frenchman's hands with a machete. Countless acts of arson, burning the library in Marseilles, billions of euros in damage. These were not...
  13. Malaparte

    Crime Riots in France over police shooting

    Are you blind to the very subject matter of this entire thread? France is in the early stages of racial civil war, native French versus Banilieue-dwellers. Or do you disagree with Zemmour's diagnosis? Americans still have the comfort of great spaces. But white flight cannot be sustained...
  14. Malaparte

    Crime Riots in France over police shooting

    Oh please, get off your high horse. Look at who does all the censoring in today's world. The liberal elites. The Catholic Church used to condemn movies, and even then for lurid or pornographic content, not to stifle political or medical debate. [/B] I used the word "decadent" upthread to...
  15. Malaparte

    Crime Riots in France over police shooting

    Didn't Biden say he'd use F-16s against supporters of the 2nd Amendment? So if Prigozhin in fact launched a real coup, Putin exercised far more restraint than...