Recent content by bicicleur 2

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    Population genomics of post-glacial western Eurasia

    Check this : The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans The Urkainian Neolithic hunter gatherers (UNHG) represent the eastward expansion of the Balkan HG. You can find their Y DNA in the online tables. They are all I-S2555* or sublcades...
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    Neandertal ancestry through time: Insights from genomes of ancient and present-day humans

    Gene flow from Neandertals has shaped the landscape of genetic and phenotypic variation in modern humans. We identify the location and size of introgressed Neandertal ancestry segments in more than 300 genomes spanning the last 50,000 years. We study how Neandertal ancestry is shared among...
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    Population genomics of post-glacial western Eurasia

    Thx, I've seen these calls earlier. It is possible, I don't know. Afaik there are no other R-M269 identified in pré-beaker Iberia, or even western Europe for that mattter. R-M269 expansion coincides with that of non-Anatolian Indo-Europeans and they would have experienced a bottle neck during...
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    Population genomics of post-glacial western Eurasia

    I don't know whether this is reliable or not. Anyway, if correct, it is an individual who went far astray. The internet link you gave above is not correct, it results in an error.
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    Population genomics of post-glacial western Eurasia

    we have R-P297 and its subclade R-Y13200 during the mesolithic in the area between the Baltic and Khvalynsk, but R-M269 is absent till the expansion of the Indo-Europeans
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    Villanovan, Etruscan, Tarquinian & Latin DNA looks like they all were Italian Beaker people
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    Could muonium change life as we know it?

    Well, I guess it cannot make a stable bonding in nature, otherwise this element/particle would have been known since much longer. But who knows it could be done in a laboratory.
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    Could muonium change life as we know it?

    Has muonium ever been bonded to another atom/molecule? Is that possible at all? And does it become stable then?
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    Genetic study The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans

    The story of R1b-V1636 confirms that steppe people crossed the Caucasus into Anatolia. I go for hypthesis A-East.
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    Genetic study The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans

    I think there is an important nuance. the genetic history of the southern arc suggests a direct disperion from the Caucasus into the Indo-Anatolians this study says there was a mixture in the Caucasus-Lower Volga area before the expansion into Anatolia
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    Genetic study The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans

    What anciant middle eastern R1b do we have? We have a R1b-V1636 in Kura Araxes, but the origin of this haplogroup seems to be Khvalynsk. What R1b-M269 do we have in the middle east?
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    The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans

    it's a preprint and it claims a Eureopean origin for Proto-Indo-Anatolian, contrary to an earlier study that claims a western Iranian or Transcaucasian origin for Indo-Europeans : The Yamnaya archaeological complex appeared around 3300BCE across the steppes north of the Black and Caspian Seas...
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    Religion Does Christian confession incite crime?

    That is another matter. Don't look for any logic in religions. But even in secular discusions, ideology obscures logic. Unfortunately most people prefer ideology, religious or not.
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    Religion Does Christian confession incite crime?

    The meaning of a confession is first to be humble and feel sorry for the mistake you made. Only then you can be forgiven.
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    Religion Why are there still Christians?

    There are many new religions that didn't exist before. They are inspired by some leader who does the thinking. Their followers are poorly informed as they are inspired by some leader who do all the thinking. but it does not stop them from taking radical actions. 'Just stop oil' protestors are...